Create API keys
This guide provides a step-by-step overview of creating your first API key with Proteus Shield, covering wallet connection, key configuration, and key creation.
Last updated
This guide provides a step-by-step overview of creating your first API key with Proteus Shield, covering wallet connection, key configuration, and key creation.
Last updated
We use MetaMask for authentication to ensure security and protect our users' privacy. This approach offers several benefits:
No need to store and manage usernames/passwords: By connecting your wallet, you never have to worry about remembering yet another password or username.
Secure authentication: MetaMask provides a secure and reliable way to verify your identity without sharing sensitive information with us.
Anonymity: We don't store any personal information automatically, but you can explicitly opt-in to share your contact details (e.g., for receiving important updates or support). In this case, we will store this information securely and only use it for the purpose you agreed to.
To sign in with your wallet, follow these steps:
Visit the Proteus Shield website.
Select Connect Wallet.
Use MetaMask to connect.
Sign the nonce in MetaMask for identity verification.
To create an API key, follow these steps:
Go to the RPCs or Subgraphs tab, depending on the services you need.
Click on the Create new key button.
Choose a plan: Free (default), Growth, or Dedicated. See Plans Comparison for details.
Select an endpoint for the key. The key will only work with the chosen endpoint.
Configure your key: Key Configuration.
(Dedicated only) Provide contact details for discussion and a description of your use case.
Click Create (or Send and Create for Dedicated) to create the key.
Sign the message using MetaMask to confirm the key creation.
Once the key is created, you will be redirected to the API Keys section where you can view and manage your keys.
For Growth, Dedicated and Graph plans, a subscription will be created automatically. Activate it by clicking Pay, following the instructions, and completing the payment process on Stripe. Once activated, you can use the key for the corresponding RPC endpoint and create additional keys for other endpoints included in your plan.
The following configuration options are available:
Name: Choose a convenient name for the key.
Description (Optional): Add a brief description for the key's purpose.
Rate Limit: Configure the request rate limit for your key. Especially beneficial for Growth plan to manage costs. Default: 200 requests/minute. You can choose between minute, hour, and day as a time unit.
Allowed IP Address (Optional): Add IP addresses to restrict access to specific IPs. If left blank, the key may be used from any IP.
Share with wallets (Optional): Enter wallet addresses to share the key with. The key will appear in their accounts on the UI.
To activate the subscription, follow these steps:
Go to the Subscriptions tab.
Locate the subscription you want to activate. Its status should be Pending.
Click Pay.
Complete the payment process on Stripe.
After the payment is successful, the subscription status will change to Active.
For more information on subscriptions, including how to cancel them, see Subscriptions.
The Graph subscription is currently free ($0) and is used as a DDoS protection measure. Providing your contact details on the Proteus Shield website will ensure you receive updates if this ever changes. No charges will be made without prior notification.
Congratulations! You've successfully created your first API key. Now that your key is active, you’re all set to start making requests.